Friday, October 18th, 2024

A Young Pastor's Call to Read, Pray, and Transform

Pastor L has served as a full-time pastoral staff member at a church for over ten years since graduating from Bible school. Regarding pastoral care, she believes the most important thing is to work hard on God's Word, read the Bible, and pray fervently.

Are There Really Fewer Miracles in the Church in China?

Reverend Wang, who has been pastoring in a city church in East China for many years, shared his perspective on the widely held belief that miracles have decreased. He argues that the notion of a decline in miracles is not factual, as many signs and wonders have occurred in his church, owing to his strong emphasis on miracles in preaching.

Pastors Need to Relearn How to Preach

Pastor Liu, who has been serving full-time in a church in a southern city for many years, voiced out that pastors need to relearn how to prepare a sermon.

Church Engages Society Through Public Welfare

An experienced Christian public welfare worker elaborates on the cultural mission metaphorically, saying, "A cultural mission is about 'birthing sheep,' while church buildings cannot 'birth sheep'; only 'sheep' can birth 'sheep.' Through connections among believers and between churches, the church can truly nurture believers."
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